Flow of Internet application
STEP.1 Confirm and prepare application documents.
Please check and prepare necessary application documents listed in the Application Guidelines.
STEP.2 Enter the application information on the Internet.
Enter the information necessary for the application according to the display on the Internet application site.
STEP.3 Payment of Application fee.
Please pay the examination fee by the deadline by "credit card", "convenience store", "bank ATM [payment with pay-easy]", or "net banking".
※In addition to the Application fee, a service fee is required.
STEP.4 Upload an ID photo.
After uploading an ID photograph from the online application confirmation site, please print out the Check Sheet for Application (for Submission), address label, and so on.
※In the case of the entrance examination that uses only the payment function of the application fee of the Internet application system, it is unnecessary to upload a photo on the Check Sheet for Application. Please print the Check Sheet for the Application without uploading a photo.
STEP.5 Mail the application documents.
Please attach the address label to the envelope and send the application documents by simple registered express mail.
※ In the case of the entrance examination that uses only the payment function of the application fee of the Internet application system, please mail the application documents according to the application guidelines.
FINISH! Application completed!
Bring the examination ticket on the examination day.
※ In the case of the entrance examination that uses only the payment function of the application fee of the Internet application system, please bring the examination ticket returned by the university.
Handling of Personal Information
With regard to using the online application , we need you to accept the explanation of the handling of personal information.
For this site, we obtain personal information (name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.) in various situations, including when inquiries are made and requests for material or applications for the various courses, etc., are submitted.
Handling of personal information
At University of Fukui, we properly handle personal information as stipulated by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and similar acts.
(1) Purpose of use of personal information
University of Fukui uses the personal information it obtains only for the following purposes.
・Conducting entrance examinations (processing applications, conducting examinations, etc.)
・Announcing applicants who have been accepted
・Completing admission procedures
・Compiling statistics using methods or in formats that make it impossible to identify individuals
(2) Providing personal information to third parties
If personal information that University of Fukui has obtained and that is to be provided to third parties exceeds the scope of personal information use, University of Fukui will announce or notify relevant parties of the purpose of use in advance and obtain their consent. In the following situations, University of Fukui may provide personal information without obtaining the consent of relevant parties.
・When doing so is permitted by acts, ordinances, etc.
・When it is necessary to provide a third party with personal information to protect the life, physical well-being, or property of the relevant party (including companies) and it would be difficult to obtain their consent
・If it is necessary to provide a third party with personal information to improve public health or promote the healthy growth of children, youth, etc, and it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant party
・If related businesses are cooperating with a national government entity, local government, or party commissioned by one of these entities on executing work stipulated by acts, ordinances, etc., and there are concerns that obtaining the consent of the relevant party would hinder the execution of that work
(3) Outsourcing the handling of personal information
University of Fukui may outsource some or all operations related to the handling of personal information within the scope of the purpose of personal information use. In that case, an outsourcing service provider considered to handle personal information properly shall be selected; terms, such as the contract, shall stipulate points necessary to prevent the leakage of information through proper personal information management, confidentiality, etc.; and those service providers shall be properly managed.
(4) Requests to disclose personal information held
University of Fukui shall promptly respond to requests by relevant parties (including their parents, etc.) to disclose, correct, delete, and end use of their personal information.
This site is entrusted with construction and operation by KEI Advanced. K.K .
In addition, KEI Advanced plans for the management of personal information.
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